Monday, 10 August 2015


Did you know the USA has the largest amount of Silly law suits?

well below are some very silly law suits that were actually recognized.

1. Man sues wife over ugly children

A Chinese man started asking questions when his beautiful wife gave birth to an ‘incredible ugly baby’. Jian Feng demanded answers, and thought the wife had an affair. The wife admitted she had undergone extensive $100,000 cosmetic surgery before meeting him. Horrified, the husband divorced and sued his wife for damages, claiming his wife tricked him to marriage on false pretenses.

Amazingly, Chinese court felt sympathetic and he was granted $120,000.

Note: Ladies please stop deceiving Men.......... its not fair. thank you.

2. Man Sues Food Chain for Inaccurate Sandwich


A man from New Jersey who alleges he eats 50 Subway footlong sandwiches a year is now suing the food chain, after realizing that the sandwiches were really just 11 inches!

3.  Sued For Wrong Weather Prediction

Weather reports are known to be frequently wrong and highly unreliable. One Israeli woman took it too far by suing a TV station for making a wrong weather prediction.
The TV station’s weather forecast was sunny and well, but it rained. The woman claimed she dressed lightly, only to rain and cause her to catch the flu, miss a week of work, and spend money on medications. The woman filed the lawsuit and won $1,000.

4.  There’s Only One Batman in the World

 So a mayor from a city called ‘Batman’ in Turkey decided to sue Warner Bros. because they used the city’s name without permission. He demanded royalties from the highest-grossing movie ‘The Dark Knight’. The mayor claimed that ‘there’s only one Batman in the world’, and sued on the grounds that the U.S. producers used the city without permission from them.

5. lol.... that's Ageism! 

Another ridiculous lawsuit is filed by aging Rolf Eden, an 81-year-old German playboy who sued a 19-year-old woman because she refused to sleep with him on the grounds of ‘ageism’. After a night out with the young woman, they ended up at his place and she refused to have sex with him because he was too old for her.
He decided to press charges because, according to Eden, ‘there are laws against discrimination’, and it was discrimination against age, after all.

6. LMAO.......... the craziest Lawsuit ever!!!

Most people file frivolous cases to get cash quick, but a man from Quebec, Canada had bigger things in mind. He filed a case to gain control over the universe — particularly asking for control of all the planets, Jupiter’s moons, the Earth, and space in between.

Hands down, this is probably the craziest lawsuit out there. The judge seemed to agree, who threw the case out the window and banned the Canadian citizen from filing any more future lawsuits without a written consent from a judge.

Well personally, i think the guy needs to be sued for being stupid. 

7. British Airways tho

A dentist and his partner wanted to see Granada, a beautiful southern city located in Spain. He booked his flight via British Airways. To his surprise, he went on a 9-hour flight to the island of Grenada.
British Airways refused to reimburse the two with their flight tickets, and so he retaliated by suing the airline for $34,000 in damages. 
Moral Lesson: it pays to double check the spelling before hopping onto a plane.

8. So He actually sued a Bear....... Crazy

In Macedonia, one beekeeper got so fed up with bears destroying his beehives that he took matters to court. He explained that he took to different means such as distracting the bear with music and lights, but to no avail.
He sued the bear for damages and theft, and despite the bear failing to appear in court, it was found guilty and the beekeeper won $2,700. The honey-loving bear is still at large.

9.  Suing God?

So a man in Russia apperentlty sued his church and also sued God for not saving him from the Devils temptation. ............ He was facing jail time for murder.

10. Mc Donald's Napkin

A man is suing McDonald’s for £1million because he says he suffered emotional distress after only receiving one napkin with his order.
Webster Lucas, ordered a Quarter Pounder Deluxe in Pacoima, California, in January this year, and confronted the manager to ask for more napkins.
When the manager allegedly refused, Lucas apparently he said that he should have gone somewhere else.
African American Lucas says that the manager then made a racist comment, mumbling “something about ‘you people’”.

Well the law is indeed confusing some time.

please do leave your comments.

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