Monday, 10 August 2015


Ok guys lets get creative!

imagine there was a zombie apocalypse and you survived.. but in the post apocalyptic world you find yourself, you have to now struggle to stay alive cos there are brain eating zombies out there.

so below are 10 survival Items i think are appropriate in case of such happening.

1. Dry food, Portable water purifier and Energy drinks.
    Food and Water are no doubt very essential to human existence, but in a Zombie apocalypse when clean water and fresh food will certainly be in shortage. it is wise to go for dry food that are rich in carbohydrates and protein e.g Chips, groundnuts etc..... also you will need a portable and sufficient water bottle that has chlorination capabilities.
Energy drinks will also come in handy as you will be doing a lot of running and jumping and fighting to survive.

2. Safe Hide Out
    In case of a Zombie apocalypse, the most important thing to seek is a very safe hide out. it will be useless to have all the food and water and fighting skills if you don't av a place to run to when you are tired or feeling sleepy. Well, in a Zombie apocalypse, I think the safest place to seek a hide out is at remote places. probably an island or a remote mountainous area.

3. First Aid Kit
    During a Zombie apocalypse, you will surely get injured while trying to survive. so a well stocked First Aid kit will prove useful as you need to treat infections and injuries.

4. Vehicle
     To enable your survival, you will need to have a fast means of mobility. a bootless minivan or an SUV will be very good for this as they are strong, durable, fast and can go off-road.
Some people may think its better to get a bus because its bigger, lot more space and heavier. but a bus is slow, cant go off-road and a Zombie could very easily be hiding under a seat in the bus.

5. Guns
     Yes! Guns, I'll personally prefer a shot gun and some pistols.... guns will play a very crucial role in your survival as you will need to shoot zombies that are coming for your brains. also, when you head out to refill your stocks on food, water and fuel. you will need need to be armed just in case.

6. Samurai Sword / Katana
    Well, at some point your ammunition may finish and you still need to fight. Samurai swords are life savers at this point. they are long enough to kill Zombies from an arms length, they are sharp enough to cut through bones in one slash.

7. Googles and Respirator 
    Googles are highly effective when fighting Zombies because they prevent zombie blood and guts from entering your eyes, also googles with night vision or heat vision can help you see zombies at night before they see you. some googles even come with telescopic functions and you can scout places or hideouts with it from a safe distance.
Whereas Respirator protect your mouth from Zombie blood or guts, it also helps you breath clean and fresh air while fighting them. Remember Zombies are practically dead bodies and they will have a very putrid smell, trust me... your nose will thank you.

8.  Crowbar
     you will need to break into houses and cars while running away from zombies or while looking for food supplies. and you will need to do so silently sometimes, so that Zombies wont know you location. the crowbar is really helpful here as it can break open almost anything a lot less noisy than a gun.

9.  Running Shoes
     Yep, running shoes are very appropriate  in this situations. You cant imagine yourself running from a bunch of hungry zombies in a pair of official shoes, or slippers or even barefooted. You wont go far.
Running shoes will give you more speed boost while you use less energy #fact

10. A Dog
      In a Zombie world where you can really trust people, having a Dog is very wise. Dogs can sense danger before hand and inform you, Dogs are energy saving animals so they are likely to eat less while they save your butt.
They will stand by you and fight or even look out for escape routes in case you are being cornered by zombies.

So this are the Items I think you need for survival during a zombie apocalypse, please feel free to add yours in the comment. thanx

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Shuga Lee

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