Thursday, 6 August 2015


Hello There
welcome to Shuga Blogger once again,
I'm am bringing you ten different cute animals which i bet you never knew are extremely dangerous.

now lets take a look at these cuties which you must be very careful of.

10. Stingray

Sting rays are very cute and gentle animals......... well that's until they are provoked and they attack!
they have a barbed stinger on their tail which is very sharp, rugged and also venomous, they can strike this stinger at their attacker within a blink of an eye. Popular "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin died a few years back as a result of Sting ray wound to his chest. When a Sting ray's stinger hooks unto a leg, an arm, abdomen or chest, it will release toxins that cause swelling and excruciating pain!
well, these cuties are really gentle and friendly.......... but when they are provoked, they can be fatal.

9. Swan

Swans are such beautiful and gracious birds, they are not only beautiful but they are also good parents, extremely good parents.... that's where the problem lies. Swans take parenting to a whole new level, they will attack any animal they feel is a threat to them or their young, Also, Swans don't give up when they fight! they will keep fighting until they die or the pursuant dies, whichever comes first.
Swans can grow up to 30 pounds in weight and are very aggressive as they will bite and hit you without hesitation. The real danger however stands for people or animals that cant swim, Swan are are well known to fly over a perceived enemy, push them under water and drown them! (I used to want a swan for a pet as a kid... but now? well I'll just opt for a fluffy, fat pussy cat).

8. Chipmunk

Yaaaay!!! now here is a cute little one that is practically not aggressive towards Humans. well unless they try to steal your food. Damn! this creatures are soo cute that they burst into harmonious melodies when they hear the sound of a well tuned Piano(Just kidding, only Alvin and the Chipmunks will do that). However, Chipmunks are known to harbour diseases.
Chipmunks are known to spread diseases in different parts of the world, bringing with them Ticks and Rabies. while both diseases are treatable, if left undectected and untreated, neurological problems can occur followed by Coma and Death!

7. Elephant

Really, I have a soft spot for Elephants, afterall, they can think, they have emotions (yes! Elephants are known to shed tears when a herd member or a calf dies) they are Peaceful, Playful and Gentle animals. But I dont want to ever encounter an angry Elephant.
Seriously, with all that size, strength and weight, its game over for anybody who happens to be in their way.
Male Elephants experience the "Musth" every mating season- a situation where an Elephant's testosterone levels increase, it can lead to over aggressive behaviour and uncontrolled attacks.

6. Hippopotamus

looks can be deceiving tho, this animal with its cute little ears, cute round buttocks and beady little eyes is actually one of Africa's most aggressive killers. Yes! oh wait, and if you think you can outrun a Hippo because it looks fat, think again..... this cutie can run at an average speed of 20mph. that's almost as fast as Usain Bolt.
with a Jaw structure that gives them 6,000 pounds of bite pressure, and 10 inch long canine teeth. a Hippo is definitely dangerous.

5. Bottle-nosed Dolphin

Dolphins are just too cute and lovable, very intelligent, they can communicate, learn tricks and play jokes. Come on! I want a pet Dolphin.......... Just kiddin.
Dolphins are friendly but are also known for their insatiable sexual yearning and are quite dangerous too. Yeah, so dangerous even Great White Sharks show them respect.
Wild Dolphins are known to kill their own young, they are also known to kill Porpoises and play with their carcasses just for fun! Damn! that's harsh.

4. Chimpanzee

 These apes are similar to Humans, they have opposable thumbs, they can show facial expressions and they also portray conscious brain function.
Chimps have been documented to have bloody feuds among themselves as a result of territorial dispute. One important difference between a Human and a Chimpanzee is our skeletal structures. a Chimp's skeleton is heavier and denser than a Human's, making them 5 times stronger than Humans.
They are also Omnivorous animals, so they are capable of killing as well.

3. Platypus

 This is the strangest creature on earth with its thick fuzzy body, flat beaver-like tail, otter-like feet, duck-like bill, and cute innocent eyes. There are two very unique attributes of the platypus, the first, being its duckbill. Besides having the most obvious use of scooping food, it has built-in electro-receptivity, similar to that of the Hammerhead shark, allowing it to find food buried within the silt. The other unique attribute, is a pair 15 mm long hollow spurs placed along the inside of their rear legs. Inside these spurs resides a moderate toxin, which can be quickly delivered to an enemy (or their own kind) with a fleeing kick. The venom is deadly for small animals, and while not typically fatal for humans, causes excruciating pain that can last for weeks, if not months.

2. Polar Bear 

Ok I like this one, Polar Bears are the largest carnivores on land! weighing around 1,200 pounds and are about 10ft long. Humans are absolutely no match for a predator like this.
about 90 people are attacked each year by Polar bears. This animal can smell food from 200 miles away and can break through a foot thick ice just to catch a seal that is hiding under....... now that is bad ass!

1. Poison Dart Frog

Poison Dart Frogs wear the most beautiful coat of any animal in the animal kingdom.
Cute they are, but these cuties secret poison all over their skin. poison so dangerous a single drop can kill 5 adult Humans. The funniest thing is that this frog is just about the size of a safety pin.

Ok thank you very much for taking your time to read my first Blog..... please leave a comment below

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Shuga Lee.

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